Des pompes de décharge efficaces en conception AT
La série POLY-AT offre une grande flexibilité en ce qui concerne l'installation sous le réacteur de fusion des polymères. Le client peut choisir parmi 3 géométries de bride différentes, de sorte que la combinaison techniquement et économiquement la meilleure de la bride du réacteur et de la pompe peut toujours être choisie.
Grâce aux nouvelles géométries des engrenages, des pressions différentielles allant jusqu'à 320 bars sont possibles avec des pompes de tailles différentes. La nouvelle conception est complétée par la variété habituelle de combinaisons de matériaux différents. La combinaison la plus courante est certainement le boîtier en acier inoxydable ou en acier au carbone ainsi que les paliers lisses en acier à outils ou en bronze d'aluminium.
Pompage du fluide:pour fusion, polymère
Diese computergesteuerte Hochleistungs-Anlage bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, Elastomere, Thermoplaste, Duroplaste, Zinkdruckgüsse sowie andere thermisch versprödende Stoffe bei höchster Effizienz zu entgraten.
Die komfortable Bedienerausstattung auf neustem Niveau läßt keine Wünsche offen: Touchscreen-Bedienung, USB/SSD Festplatte, Netzwerkanbindung (Support via Internet), Rezepturenspeicher, Benutzerverwaltung, Protokollierung/ Dokumentation/ Rückverfolgbarkeit & Barcodescanner/ID Key (optional).
Für Industrie 4.0 Anforderungen ist die E40 bestens ausgestattet. Standardgemäß ist ein Monitoring der Prozessdaten über Netzwerk auch von einem externen Arbeitsplatz möglich. Optional kann eine Steuerung der Maschine via OPC-UA Server eingerichtet werden. Bei bestimmten Anwendungen kann diese Anlage ggf. auch ohne Einsatz von Strahlmittel für die Entgratung (Rommeln) eingesetzt werden.
Die E40 ist die optimale Lösung für den mittleren Bedarf bei schneller Durchlaufzeit!
AUTOSOL® DYNAMIC COMPLETE PREMIUM This advanced formulation combines uniquely shaped polishing media, which produce an extremely high gloss finish, with the latest Si-polymer based protection technology. The one-step polish is easy to apply and not only removes medium scratches and signs of wear, but also impressively enhances the vehicle's gloss and colour depth. AUTOSOL® DYNAMIC COMPLETE PREMIUM leaves behind an extremely resistant protective layer.
Item number:11 038300
Mechanically robust and with a chemical and condensed waterproof sensing area, the digital IST AG HYT humidity modules offer a wide application window and an optimal price-performance ratio. Precisely calibrated, the HYT modules deliver an outstanding accuracy and excellent long-term stability even at high humidity - ideal for sophisticated mass applications, industrial handheld devices and precise humidity transmitters.
Advantages of the HYT 221 digital humidity module include:
— Calibrated and temperature compensated
— Excellent humidity/temperature accuracy and stability
— High chemical resistance
— I2C protocol (address 0x28 or alternative address)
— Wide humidity and temperature range (0 % RH to 100 % RH and -40 °C to +125 °C)
— Very low drift
— Very stable at high humidity
— Interchangeable without adjustments
Mounting:for integration
Other characteristics:digital, with temperature measurement
The material can be processed with conventional plastic industry equipment, such as injection molding and extrusion machinery. The typical end applications are those for which organic recyclability (compostable and anaerobic digestibility) is the intended end-of-life or for which it is challenging to avoid fragments ending up in the open environment. It is suitable for (food) packaging, organic waste management, agricultural, horticultural, and marine-related applications.
Kunststoff-Pulver für das Lasersintern basierend auf PA1212 mit Mineralfaser gefüllt
Wir sind Hersteller von Polyamiden aus Sebazinsäure, wir nennen das Produkt PA1212-basiertes Pulver. Bauteile aus diesem Pulver weisen sehr ähnliche Eigenschaften, wie das häufig benutzte PA12-Pulver. Unsere Pulver sind auch durch Fällung hergestellt, wodurch sich sehr gute Fließfähigkeiten der Pulver ergeben.
Bauteile aus FS3250MF weisen folgende Eigenschaften auf:
Modulus: 6100 MPa
Tensile Strenght: 51 MPa
Elongation at break: 5%
EL PEEK es un polímero orgánico termoplástico utilizado en aplicaciones de ingeniería, el cual ofrece una combinación única de altas propiedades mecánicas, resistencia a la temperatura hasta 260 ºC y excelente resistencia química. Mantiene sus propiedades físicas como la flexión o la tracción en entornos de agua o vapor caliente.
Este material de altas prestaciones está demandado en la industria en general por la resistencia, ligereza y duración de características en condiciones de dificultad, pero sobretodo se demandada en sectores de alta tecnología.
quimica:buena resistencia química
tenacidad:tenacidad mejorada
retardante:retardante a la llama inherente
hidrólisis:resistente a la hidrólisis y al vapor
rigidez:elevada rigidez
creep:muy resistente al creep
radiación:resistente contra alta radiación
dimensional:elevada estabilidad dimensional
Manufactured from Kynar® polyvinylidene fluoride resin (PVDF), this material offers excellent corrosion and chemical resistance at both ambient and elevated
temperatures. PVDF is also inherently UV stable, mechanically tough, abrasion and flame resistant. Common applications of this material are chemical process/storage tanks, fluid handling fittings, Semiconductor equipment, Fire-safe components, DI water systems...Westlake Plastics offers it in sheets, rods and films in natural offwhite colour as a standard.
Cette bague à collerette FLASH-CLICK® en deux parties clipsables s'adapte à différents matériaux de logements : aluminium, magnésium et plastique.
Autolubrifiante, la bague à collerette FLASH-CLICK® est réalisable en différentes longueurs de logement, avec de fines épaisseurs de logements en tôle ou très longs.
Autres caractéristiques:
- Diminue le coût total du système en augmentant les tolérances du logement ; même des logements poinçonnés ou obtenus par découpe laser sont acceptables
- Montage manuel ou automatique possible
Cosmetic bottle. Can be used for other fluids. It is completed with any accessories (covers, sprayers, dispensers, etc.) of the 18/415 standard.
The minimum order is 10 000 pcs. Made in Ukraine
Capacity, ml - 30
Outer diameter of the product, mm- 34.2
Product height, mm- 60.5
External thread diameter, mm- 18
Internal thread diameter, mm- 12.25
3DMicromac‘s highly versatile microFLEX™ product family is the all-in-one solution for manufacturing flexible thin films in photovoltaics, electronics, medical devices, displays, and semiconductors.
The production systems can handle various substrates, material thicknesses, and types such as polymer films, stainless steel, and thin glass.
The microFLEX™ systems combine high precision laser processing with cleaning and packaging technologies, as well as inline quality control. Due to its modular concept, various customized solutions are available, reaching from industrial mass production to pilot lines as well as applied research.
High throughput and efficiency on-the-fly processing; high machine uptime; multiple tension controllers; contactless substrate guiding
Highest flexibility easy machine layout modification by modular concept
Cost advantages Long term security of investment; reasonable cost of ownership; easy to upgrade and modify; different micro environments.
We produce also parts for very demanding applikations in PEEK or LCP as for example Vectra, Sumikasuper or Xydar. Please ask for further details.
LCP is a fantastisk alternative for many high end engineering plastics.
Parylene is the short name for the polymer group of poly-para-xylylene.
Parylene coatings offer a wide range of benefits. Parylene ...
are fully conformal: i.e. they adapt to complex substrate contours such as sharp edges, drill holes or blind holes
are pinhole-free from a film thickness of approx. 0.5 µm.
are chemically insoluble and resistant to a wide range of chemicals.
have very good barrier properties against moisture and chemicals.
have a high dielectric strength.
have dry lubricating properties (low coefficient of friction).
are hydrophobic: contact angle of H2O between 92 ° and 98 °.
are transparent between 90 and 96 % in the visible wavelength range (depending on type).
are biocompatible: types C and N parylene can be deposited, which can be certified according to USP Class VI, ISO 10993 and FDA.
Dimension (tabletop unit):700 mm x 700 mm x 500 mm (WxHxD)
Vacuum chamber dimensions:Ø 200 mm, 200 mm height
Vacuum chamber volume:Ca. 6 litres
Fabric receptacle:Ø 170 mm, 170 mm height
Possible layer thickness:0.05 up to 20 microns
Pyrolysis:1.6 kW / max 790 °C
Pump system:Two-stage rotary vane pump
Suction capacity:16 m³ / h
Ultimate pressure:1 x 10-3 mbar
Control system:PC control (Windows 10 IoT)
Metal bağlı polimer emülsiyonu içeren parlak sürme cila. Normal cilalara oranla daha yüksek katı madde içerdiği için zemin üzerinde oluşturduğu FİLM tabakası daha dayanıklı ve kalıcıdır. Zemini korur ve yüksek parlaklık sağlar. Mükemmel kaymazlık direnci ile fark yaratır. Uygulamadan sonra tam kuruduğunda aşınmalara karşı direnç gösterir, su lekeleri, hayvani, petrol veya nebati yağ lekelenmelerinden zemini korur. Kolay temizlenebilen deterjandan etkilenmeyen zeminler sağlar. Sürme esnasında kolay uygulanabilen, hızlı ve dengeli yayılıp dağılabilen, çabuk kuruyan bir ciladır. Yüksek devir cila makineleri ile bakım yapılırsa zeminlere ıslak görüntü kazandırır. Vinil, lastik, termoPLASTİK, linolyum, kompoze zemin, asfalt, çini mermer, astarlanmış ahşap, parke ve beton zeminler ve diğer birçok zeminlerde güvenle uygulanabilir.
Aqua Release 1026 is a water-based release agent in the field of polymer concrete processing. Aqua Release 1026 is very durable and allows multiple demoldings, even if very abrasive reinforcement materials and molds with porous surfaces are used.
The best known microstructured optic is the Fresnel lens. Compared to a standard lens the surface of the fresnel lens is divided into a number of concentric grooves allowing for a wide range of optical effects (e.g. high-aperture (fast) large-area) while also reducing thickness, weight and cost. Fresnel lenses can be designed as a collimator, collector or with finite conjugates. They are usually corrected for spherical aberration. We offer a variety of standard designs as well as custom designs for our customers. Our lenses can be finished with a range of optical coatings and nanostructures and will be trimmed precisely to our customers requirements.
Polyacrylamide, also known as PAM, is a type of flocculant or cohesion agent . This product, which is manufactured in the form of a white powder, is water-soluble. It plays a crucial role in the flocculation, sedimentation, and separation of mud suspensions. PAM is a low-cost solution for water systems and its unique properties make it irreplaceable by other flocculant products.
selena industry produces 4 different cationic flocculant with 4 different molecular weight and anionic charge : M25 M26 M27 M28
m25 m26 m27 m28 are potent flocculants utilized in the remediation of wastewater from the paper, textile, and food industries, as well as produced water from the oil industry and most mineral processing applications. m25 m26 m27 m28,the linear polymers, are adequately hydrolyzed. they are employed for the rapid separation of solid particles suspended in water. Its applications can be likened to those of “Ciba” and “A103”.
Dichtstoff und Klebstoff für Bau- und Industrieanwendungen. Hervorragende Haftung auf Glas, Keramikfliesen, Stahl, Aluminium, Beton, Ziegel, Zement, Naturstein, Holz, Metallen, Kunststoffen, etc.
Profi MS-Polymer-Dichtmasse 541
Dichtstoff und Klebstoff für Bau- und Industrieanwendungen. Hervorragende Haftung auf Glas, Keramikfliesen, Stahl, Aluminium, Beton, Ziegel, Zement, Naturstein, Holz, Metallen, Kunststoffen, Hart-PVC, Polyamid, Polycarbonat.
Abdichtung und Verklebung der meisten Substrate einschließlich nasse/feuchte Oberflächen in Bau- und Gebäudeanwendungen
Abdichtung und Verklebung von Bau- und Bauelementen aus Glas, Aluminium, Stahl, PVC und porösen Materialien
Ausfüllen von Lücken, Fugen, Schlitzen in Beton, Holz, Gips, Mauerwerk und anderen Baustoffen
Abdichten und Verkleben von Containern, Tankwagen und anderen industriellen Gegenständen/Geräten
Verkleben und Abdichten von Blechen, Fliesen und anderen Dachmaterialien
PROFLO+ est une solution de polymères de dispersion pour le traitement des eaux en cabines, tunnels et robots de peinture et vernis.
Il s’applique également pour le traitement des eaux résiduaires contenant des colles ou tout autre polluant.
PROFLO+ doit être employé en complément du PROCOAGU afin d’obtenir une parfaite séparation de l’overspray et des MES.
(en complément de PROCOAGU)
Pour plus d’information sur notre produit, télécharger notre fiche technique au format PDF
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Dieser dermatologisch geprüfte sowie silikon-, latex- und allergenfreie Polsterverband pflegt die Haut mit einem pflegenden Öl, bietet keinen Nährboden für Bakterien und schützt vor äußeren Einwirkungen mit der luftdurchlässigen und abfedernden Netzstruktur. Somit werden Scherkräfte, Auflagedruckstellen, Reibungen und Rötungen reduziert. Besonders geeignet als Dekubitusprophylaxe, bei Epidermis bullosa und Pergament- und Altershautpatienten. Hautpuder wird als Anziehhilfe und zur Pflege dem Produkt beigefügt.
WB Kleb- und Dichtstoffe, schnell härtende und dauerelastische 1-Komponenten Dichtungsmasse, die durch Reaktion mit Luftfeuchtigkeit zu einem dauerelastischen, hoch alterungsbeständigen Dichtstoff ausvulkanisiert, spannungsausgleichende konstruktive Verbindungen.
Durch den Einsatz hochwertiger, lösungsmittelfreier Rohstoffe und jeweils unterschiedlicher chemischer Zusammensetzung mit entsprechender Modifizierung, sind diese Kleb- und Dichtstoffe im Baubereich, zum jeweils vorgesehen Einsatzzweck nahezu universell einsetzbar. Je nach Anwendungszweck können spezielle Reiniger zur
Haftgrundverbesserung eingesetzt werden.
Verwendet werden Materialien auf Basis PUR, MS-Polymer, Acrylat, Neoprene, Tetrahydrofuran, SBR, Sekundenklebstoff, Epoxidharz, Verpressharze auf Basis Epoxidharzschaum, Gipsplattenfüller und Polyacryl f. Brandschutzanwendung
Die Oberflächen sollen sauber u. trocken sein, lose Teile, sowie Staub ist möglichst zu entfernen.
Polypropylene packing tape is an inexpensive, cross-functional and convenient packing material. Plastic tape is used to ensure that the finished product is rigidly connected to the pallets, put in several layers and stacked. We will help you choose the right size of the tape for the goals and objectives of your business. The maximum breaking force of the strongest tape is 400 kgf, the product can be pulled together in several places. The tape is made on cardboard spools of 3 diameters: 150, 200, 406 mm. We can also make a ribbon of any color, as well as apply your logo, company name or any markings. This will make your product distinguish and create additional advertising. We can send free samples to check the quality.
width:15 mm
Thickness:1 mm
Breaking force: 300 kgf
Length:1200 m
Raw material type: Primary polypropylene
Simple et facile à utiliser : il suffit d’ajouter du solvant et d’injecter la solution Moins de préparation pour un cycle d’étalonnage plus rapide Plus grande confiance pour la détermination des poids moléculaires des échantillons Diminution des variations des résultats d’analyse pour une meilleure qualité de produit.
Fine micronized powder/granules as a bio-filler material for the following applications:
1. Cosmetics: cosmetic filler and abrasive - microbead replacement
2. Polymer Applications (thermoplasts, duroplasts, resins)
3. Paints, Adhesives, Resins: reactive filler
Our product can be supplied in a variety of micron size ranges - from fine powders in the nano and micrometer range up to coarse granules of several millimeters.
Product variants are:
1. Natural grade: untreated, consisting of 100% olive stones in food quality
2. Irradiated grade: sterilized grade
3. Silane-treated grade: hydrophobic variant
4. Colored grade: permanently colored bio-flakes
We ship small and large volumes worldwide.
Le PCTFE (ou PTFCE en français) est un polymère fluoré très apprécié pour ses propriétés de très faible perméabilité au gaz, sa stabilité chimique et sa résistance aux basses températures. Il est donc un matériau de choix dans les secteurs industriels comme l’aéronautique, la cryogénie, les équipementiers des vannes et des valves. Sa dénomination commerciale la plus connue est le KEL-F mais 3M a stoppé la production du KEL-F en 1996.
Nylon 6 combines strength,
low weight, toughness, chemical
resistance, ease of processing
and even recyclability.
The assets of nylon 6, combined
with the assets of Nyobe-engineering,
have made Nyorbits
a well-known brand in the
Nyorbits were born out of our
expertise in the carpet industry.
Their DNA has been carefully
nurtured over several decades.
Nyorbits is a consistently, high
quality spin grade polymer.
Our spin grade polymer is perfectly
employable in engineering
Nyorbits offer powerful spinning
and compounding solutions
to its customers resulting
from its premium performance
in product consistency, conformity
and high degree of stability in
specs (size, moisture content, low
extractables, transparancy).
The exact same top-quality
grade that we use for our yarn
portfolio is also available for
external customers.
Firma MIERZEJEWSKI oferuje taśmy techniczne na rolce, w blistrach lub luzem. Wykrawamy dowolne kształty sztancowane z pianki, mikrogumy, filcu, folii, silikonu - materiały sztancowane są stosowane jako uszczelki, elementy dystansowe, amortyzujące, tłumiące wibrację i dźwięk, jako stopki i odbojniki dystansowe, podkłady antypoślizgowe. Wykrawanie i sztancowanie materiałów samoprzylepnych .
Aplicação de pó quasicristalino Al-Cu-Fe:
• Filler para polímeros e elastômeros para melhorar as características físicas, mecânicas e antifricção, resistência ao desgaste, hidrofobicidade e adesão. Aumento significativo da resistência ao desgaste em Teflon (PTFE), em Sulfeto de Polifenileno (PPS);
• Filler para polímeros em pó utilizados em impressão 3D, manufatura aditiva de Sinterização Seletiva a Laser (SLS);
• Desenvolvimento de novos materiais compósitos e ligas com características melhoradas em relação ao original;
• Reduzir as perdas por atrito, aumentando a vida útil das unidades e conjuntos, aumentando a eficiência energética e reduzindo o consumo de energia dos equipamentos como aditivo nos sistemas de lubrificação dos mecanismos;
• Criação de revestimentos: antifricção, antiaderente, antiaderente, hidrofóbico, reduzindo o nível de depósitos e escória de tubos e recipientes.